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Sabrina Buehlmann aka Replicah

Replicah aka Sabrina Bühlmann, Artist & Creative Director, Leading Artist

Have you ever seen someone truly doing what they love?

They're driven by more than excitement; it's purpose. Led by their heart.

I'm Sabrina, also known as Replicah.

RTBT, a 12-meter heart sculpture, is my purpose. It measures visitors' heartbeats, transforming them into an immersive display of lights and sounds, inspiring them to listen to their hearts.

For three years, I've poured everything into RTBT, believing we'll share its message globally, helping people reconnect with their purpose and dreams.

About me

For the past 20 years, I have sustained my career as a professional artist and creative through relentless creativity and a talent for bringing visions to life. After primary school, I attended Bern's art school, followed by a 4-year apprenticeship in advertising photography. I've balanced roles as a creative director, musician, singer, and artist, founding a company focused on pioneering business video web-series.

My international career has earned several awards in music sales, creative and art direction, and film. Collaborating with major global companies, I boosted their sales and worldwide exposure, notably through a six-year collaboration with Maybelline NY among other brands.


My expertise in creative direction, videography, and music significantly enhanced these brands' online presence, generating millions of views annually and attracting attention from corporate headquarters.

I've directed and co-directed Creative Gatherings, both small and large, conducting workshops and co-creating art projects that unearth the dreams and purposes in the hearts of my growing community. My music and voice have taken me across the Globe, connecting diverse audiences and demonstrating creativity's power to bridge cultures and inspire innovation.

This journey has taught me resilience, essential in creative fields and in any endeavor that challenges outdated norms and drives societal transformation. I am driven by the belief that creativity and purpose unlock limitless opportunities for navigating life's challenges.

By advocating a holistic approach that empowers individuals to connect deeply with their dreams and creativity, find their tribe, and address global challenges, we lay the foundation for innovative solutions and a brighter future.


Still under construction ;-)

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RTBT in den Medien

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